Regulator sets out plans to get more people investing
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched a new strategy to give consumers the confidence to invest, safe in the knowledge they are supported by a high-quality advice market; and to help them do so safely, which should lead to fewer people being scammed or investing in products that are too risky for their needs.
As part of the strategy the FCA is launching an awareness campaign to target people who may have invested for the first time during the pandemic, often into cryptocurrencies, mainly for the thrill of investing rather than for long-term savings goals or alignment to their needs.
The FCA is also concerned about the high numbers of people who could benefit from investment earnings but are missing out by keeping money in cash. Nearly 8.6 million people currently hold more than £10,000 of investible assets in cash. By 2025 the FCA intends to reduce by 20% the number of consumers who could benefit from investment earnings but are currently missing out. In addition, it intends to reduce the money consumers lose to investment scams (£570m in 2020-21, tripled since 2018).
Sarah Pritchard, FCA Director of Markets said, “We want to give consumers greater confidence to invest and to help them do so safely, understanding the level of risk. The package of measures we have announced today are intended to support that – we want people to have greater confidence to invest.”
The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. The past is not a guide to future performance and past performance may not necessarily be repeated.